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  • Writer's pictureM.N. Negus

Writing Prompts: Set #1

Having trouble coming up with an idea? Need some inspiration? Are you in a mood to write but have no idea what to write about? Well, you came to the right place!

In today's blog, I'm going to give you a set of 10 writing prompts to get those creative juices flowing! Here are 10 prompts to choose from:

1.) Your character is running late for work. It seems like luck is not on their side today. Your character burns their toast, spills their latte on their lap, and now, is currently stuck at a red light. Just when they think their day can't get any worse, they get rear-ended by the car behind them. What happens next?

2.) Your house is on fire. While your family runs out the front door you run out the back. You are then deemed unaccounted for by the rescuers and pronounced dead at the scene. You've just faked your death by sheer accident, but you've decided to roll along with it.

3.) Use these things in a story: a coffee shop, an algebra textbook, a blood trail, a stray, rain, a broken watch, and a secret.

4.) Write this story: No one has ever seen the wizard in person. We just knew he was there because of the strange, otherworldly items that floated downstream from his cottage.

5.) What does your character secretly think about when they are not too busy trying to save the world or pine after their love interest?

6.) Use this set of dialogue in a story:

"This a disaster!"

"Maybe from your perspective. I try to look on the bright side of things.

"The bright side?! You lost the relic! The one thing that could save us all!"

7.) In the future, prisons have a new way of punishing the criminals. With the help of Virtual Reality, prisoners are now subjected to reliving the same crimes they've committed over and over again. What did your character do, and how does this form of torture affect them?

8.) Urban legends tell of a taxi that doesn't take you where you want to go, but to the place you need to be. What happens when your character gets into this mystical vehicle, and where does it take them?

9.) Use these things in a story: a hipster, a 1940s themed party, a sad song, a mysterious stranger, a toilet, an axe, and a Barbie Doll.

10.) Use this set of dialogue in a story:

"Oh no!"


"I've been bitten!"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't wear flip flops during the zombie apocalypse!"

So those are ten writing prompts I've come up for you guys. If you like them, then feel free to use one or all of them if you want. If you end up writing something, let me know in the comments. I'd love to see what you guys come up with!

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